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<img src="davemac.GIF" align="bottom" ALT=""> What if the City Did the Right Thing?

A letter from David Nadel

Nov. 15, 1995

Dear City Councilpersons and Concerned Citizens,
U.C.'s current plan to ram another sports court into People's Park, this one consuming the entire green grass area of the Park, does not have community support. What does have wide community support is the City of Berkeley buying the Park from U.C. Did you know that Chancellor Tien promised no further sports courts in People's Park? Ar you aware of why U.C. is continually relentlessly trying to ram sports courts into the Park?

With the Chancellor's promise, no community support for the U.C. plan, and widespread support for the City to buy the Park, U.C.'s plan will undoubtedly cause another confrontation on the Southside.

What if the City Did the Right Thing?

1. Buy the Park.
2. Bring up Derby Creek.
3. Promote People's Park nationally for its
a) rich history of Free Speech
b) community gardening
c) rare and native plant offerings
d) wonderful music concerts
e) it beautiful newly-restored creek.

What would the Benefits Be?

1. Peace in the Southside.
(The City does not share U.C.'s vendetta against the Park.)

2. Empty shops on Telegraph would find tenants given peace in the Southside.

3 Increase in City revenue due to increase in shopping from locals and tourists due to national promotion.

We want peace! It could happen! Please think about it!
David Nadel

Curious about the actual signatures on the petition unrolled by David Nadel on January 18? Check out the following links.... The results will surprize you!

Community says: "Buy the Park"

Telegraph Merchants say: "Buy the Park"

Merchants All Over Town say: "Buy the Park"

Letter from Religious Leaders

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