People’s Park 54th Anniversary, music, speakers, green space gathering, Sunday, April 23, 2023, 11 AM to 7 PM

People's Park 54th Anniversary poster illustration of people gathering to celebrate the park

People’s Park 54th Anniversary
(in memory of Michael Delacour)
Sunday, April 23, 2023, 11 AM to 7 PM

Climate Event, Yukon Hannibal and Drummers, Welcome by Eddie and talk about Michael, Jordan Huez, Speakers, Hali Hammer and Randy Berge, Max Ventura, dress, and George Franklin, Marika Sage, Speakers, Moth Morgue, Speakers – Aidan Hill, Cheryl Davila, others, Driftwood Dave duo, Speakers – Alan Haber, Odile Hugonot, others, Evelie Delfino Såles Posch, Carol Denney, Speakers, Afterthought, Andrea Mallis, astrologer, FiLTHMiLK, Speakers – Russell Bates and others, Andrea Prichett group, Speakers, Jazmin, Speakers, Gurschach, Closing

11:00-12:00: Climate Event
12:00-12:30: Yukon Hannibal and Drummers
12:30-12:40: Welcome by Eddie and talk about Michael
12:40-12:55: Jordan Huez
12:55-1:10: Speakers
1:10-1:25: Evelie Delfino Såles Posch
1:25-1:35: Max Ventura, dress, and George Franklin
1:35-1:50: Marika Sage
1:50-2:05: Speakers
2:05-2:20: Moth Morgue
2:20-2:35: Speakers – Aidan Hill, Cheryl Davila, others
2:35-2:50: Driftwood Dave duo
2:50-3:05: Speakers – Alan Haber, Odile Hugonot, others
3:05-3:20: Hali Hammer and Randy Berge
3:20-3:35: Carol Denney
3:35-3:50: Speakers
3:50-4:05: Afterthought
4:05-4:15: Andrea Mallis, astrologer
4:15-4:45: FiLTHMiLK
4:45-5:00: Speakers – Russ and others
5:00-5:15: Andrea Prichett group
5:15-5:30: Speakers
5:30-6:00: Jazmin
6:00-6:15: Speakers
6:15-6:45: Gurschach
6:45-7:00: Closing

Download posters:

Poster (color) 54th Anniversary People’s Park, 2023, version 2

Poster (black & white) 54th Anniversary People’s Park, 2023, version 2

Please also come this related event:

Broad Community Meeting to Save the Park

We hope to see people from many organizations as we work toward long term stewardship and maintenance of the park in perpetuity. This is to build an inclusive community wide planning and working group to revitalize our park and to create a commons for all.

Community Meeting Room in Berkeley Central Library
2090 Kittredge Street, Berkeley, CA 94704

54th Anniversary Celebration: We are Peoples Park! Berkeley, CA

Posted by People's Park Community on Sunday, April 23, 2023

Memorial Tree Planting in the Park for our friend & comrade Dickie Haskell, Sunday, August 28, 2022

Memorial Tree Planting in the Park for our friend and comrade Dickie Haskill Sunday:

Aug 28th on the Dwight Street side. 

10 AM: meet up and preparations

11 AM: Circle up and planting

Bring a photo, a story, art, food, a song to share, and/or just your lovely self ready to create a little area where folx can be and remember our dear friend. We have a peach tree donated. Other seeds, plants, art, etc most welcome to bring!

We can send notes, art, pics to his mother.  We can record stories for his brother which can be e-mailed. There will be a Memorial in around a week in Virginia. We can have a lil’ gathering of local friends.

We “Lovin You” Dickie!!!


PS: This is improv, no structure to it. Maybe just go around the circle, anyone sharing what they wish. Holla if U wanna collab, have ideas, visions. Thank U!

Response to Chancellor Carol T. Christ’s August 15 message to students about People’s Park

In the dead of night, UC moved on the park — barricading city streets, blocking access to sidewalks, and fencing the park. Protected by riot police, heavy equipment was brought in. Peaceful protesters sat in front of that equipment to keep the park open and prevent further deforestation of the trees, which UC last did in 2018. People peacefully demonstrated against the heavy machinery and destruction of the trees. They had already witnessed the changing climate in the park after much of the east side forest was demolished by UC just a few years before. Students — of UC Berkeley, local colleges, and high schools — and other community members, including Berkeley neighbors and former residents of the park were outraged by the violent closure and destruction of this community resource.

The university has presented the project as an all-or-nothing: either people will sleep in squalid conditions on the street, or they will build housing on the park. This is a false dichotomy. The park is a vibrant community center, park and recreation space — one of the few accessible and open to everybody, including the poor who suffer within a rapidly gentrifying East Bay. Hundreds of people use the park daily, gathering to play basketball or music, to share food, and community. None of these resources are preserved in the university’s plans, which would turn our park into a sterile dorm lawn. Maximo Martinez Commons is a courtyard just one block north and similar to the one proposed for People’s Park. When was the last time you or your friends used that space?

We need People’s Park to remain a community-run, user-developed and user-defined park. That is why dozens of community groups — such as the Berkeley Student Cooperative, the largest non-profit provider of affordable student housing in the city — stand with People’s Park in opposition to the university’s plans. Homeless advocacy groups such as Consider The Homeless, Berkeley Outreach Coalition, Suitcase Clinic, Berkeley Free Clinic, Berkeley Copwatch, and others stand in solidarity with the park defense.

The UC Regents actually refused Capital Strategies’ attempt to have a $53 million contingency fund available for crowd control, and unforeseen relocations of new residents, and other circumstances in the demolition of People’s Park. Those millions could instead be spent acquiring land for supportive housing sites right in Berkeley, or adding additional housing on a site recommended by the Chancellor’s Housing Commission. And what about the Ellsworth garage, equally close to campus, which has to be demolished due to earthquake danger? In their survey not long ago, 92% of undergraduates did not rank People’s Park as their top site for housing development. If building housing was the university’s top priority, they could have already begun construction on a different site equally close to campus.

Over decades, the UC has approached the park with malice and destructive intent. In spite of this, people have stewarded the land and grown more gardens, community, and lifelong relationships. For 53 years, every time the fences have gone up, they’ve come down! People’s Park is not just some empty real estate lot. People’s Park remains a user-developed park, open for everyone to gather, host events, or hang out and have lunch. Nothing has changed. Come out and see for yourself. We will rebuild once again. Help repair the park according to your own desires. Re-connect with the land!

— People’s Park Council (

Tear gas use on peaceful protesters is STILL immoral!

From: Terri Compost, August 3, 2022
Open letter to Berkeley City Council

Dear Berkeley Mayor and City Council,

It has come to my attention that you could consider suspending the city’s policy against the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess. The irresponsibility of putting an action like that in place during a time when the council can not act and respond to the situation is extremely irresponsible if not criminal.

I can only imagine you are considering it under the pressure of your UC controllers to encourage them forward in their attack on People’s Park and the People of Berkeley. The folly of the plan to try to build on People’s Park is evident. It has been an immoral and blatantly classist and racist assault against one of the few refuges in the City in which all people are served. The response of the people should not be a surprise to you. Building on People’s Park is a direct attack against a lot of people, some with nothing to lose. If UC or Berkeley truly wants housing, you will build it elsewhere. There is no scenario where putting a dorm on People’s Park could possibly go smoothly.

Now it’s in your hands. Do you want your legacy to be a bloodbath for this folly? UC creates the problem of scarce housing by admitting unsustainable numbers of students and then pretends to solve the problem they created. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret. People’s Park is a tar baby. The more you attack it the more stuck you will be covered in the tar of the evil of attacking the poor, the environment and our hopes and dreams.

Maybe with enough money, force, police, overtime, added expenditures, fences and ill will the University can cram in something. But it will never rest peacefully there. I suggest you don’t commit to protracted war on the poor of your city. You can not win. You will create more poverty and pain and devastation that will continue to ripple out.

There is a righteous stand to take here. Gus Newport did the right thing when he refused to allow the City of Berkeley Police Department be the ground troops for UC’s bad plan in 1979. The City has prohibited attacking peaceful protesters with chemical weapons for a reason. It is immoral.

History will remember the decisions you make. Peace can be made. A dorm can be built on the Parking Lot of Ellsworth and Channing. But it will take legislators of conscience and intelligence to take leadership and bring our town back to peace.

Please do not put swords into the wannabe overlord’s arsenal to slaughter your city while you are on vacation. Please do the right thing. People’s lives are at stake and you must be responsible now.

Thank you, Terri Compost

Terri Compost is a long-time Berkeley People’s Park community organizer, gardener, educator.

Restoration of the Peace Pole in People’s Park in August 2022

In August 2022, the Peace Pole has been restored to People’s Park, thanks to the efforts of Berkeley community member Aurora and local Earth Church members and members of the Berkeley People’s Park community. The Peace Pole movement was started by Masahisa Goi, who made her first Peace Pole in response to the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now has thousands of Peace Poles placed worldwide. See the Wikipedia article for a quick overview of the Peace Pole movement.

Local Earth church members have felt called to contribute to People’s Park at this crucial juncture, and have created a new Peace Pole to replace the one that was placed in the park many years ago by early park community members.

Below are photos of the new Peace Pole, placed amongst the piles of wood chips and logs that were recently dumped by UC Berkeley over large areas of the park, an act of disturbing violence, deeply insulting Berkeley’s park users and destroying the large areas of the park used for recreation by UC Berkeley students and the Berkeley community. This war-like destructive ‘bombing’ is met by the non-violent action of Berkeley community members restoring the Peace Pole, inscribed with the message “May Peace Prevail On Earth” in several languages.

Also included are several historical photos of the original Peace Pole, including it’s wonderful circular flower garden created by generous Berkeley volunteer gardeners, and a hand-carved totem pole that was under the large Redwood trees on the Northwest side of the park, and one of Nature’s own ‘Peace Poles’, a majestic flower stalk of the ‘Century Plant’ (Agave americana), a type of agave plant from arid climates.

— Greg Jalbert

Aurora with the new Peace Pole for People’s Park, 2022
Joe Liesner and Lisa Teague at the new Peace Pole in People’s Park, August 2022
Sunset at the new Peace Pole in People’s Park, August 2022
Peace Pole in People’s Park, July 2006
Hand-carved totem pole that was under the large Redwood trees on the Northwest side of the People’s Park in Berkeley, 2006
Nature’s ‘Peace Pole’, a majestic Century Plant (Agave americana) flower stalk, over twenty feet tall in Peoples Park, 2006