Osha Neumann on The Visionary Activist Show – “Demand the impossible, defend People’s Park!” August 18, 2022, 2:00 PM on KPFA.org

“Demand the impossible, defend People’s Park!” A rousing exhortation, by Osha Neumann, whom Caroline Casey hosts this hour: The tale of People’s Park in Berkeley – 1969 to now… humming…in ardent pertinence to our plight… Devastation into which flows Community Participation; destruction makes its move again, again – the garden roots and bloom and here we are. Honoring Parks…

Listen live or download the podcast: https://kpfa.org/program/the-visionary-activist-show/

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People’s Park destruction by mobsters UC Berkeley and cohorts, in photos

Many types of businesses are involved in the sociopathic mobster destruction of People’s Park in their quest for profits off of students and their families at UC Berkeley : construction, automobile, architecture, parking, restaurants, clothing stores, UC Berkeley staff, faculty, grounds services, and administration, energy, cell phone, and more. Predatory capitalism creates dystopia. Beloved People’s Park, the trees, the beautiful outdoors, the user developed community and cultural gathering place, the community gardens, the performance stage, the grassy field, the urban forest, the basketball court, the picnic tables, a family gathering place, a National Historic Landmark of the free speech movement and anti-war movement, is an open green space, an oasis in the crushing din of automobiles, motorcycles, incessant consumerism, the stupidity of asphalt suffocation, the oversized houses and parking lots.

Photos taken August 16, 2022.