Tear gas use on peaceful protesters is STILL immoral!

From: Terri Compost, August 3, 2022
Open letter to Berkeley City Council council@cityofberkeley.info

Dear Berkeley Mayor and City Council,

It has come to my attention that you could consider suspending the city’s policy against the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess. The irresponsibility of putting an action like that in place during a time when the council can not act and respond to the situation is extremely irresponsible if not criminal.

I can only imagine you are considering it under the pressure of your UC controllers to encourage them forward in their attack on People’s Park and the People of Berkeley. The folly of the plan to try to build on People’s Park is evident. It has been an immoral and blatantly classist and racist assault against one of the few refuges in the City in which all people are served. The response of the people should not be a surprise to you. Building on People’s Park is a direct attack against a lot of people, some with nothing to lose. If UC or Berkeley truly wants housing, you will build it elsewhere. There is no scenario where putting a dorm on People’s Park could possibly go smoothly.

Now it’s in your hands. Do you want your legacy to be a bloodbath for this folly? UC creates the problem of scarce housing by admitting unsustainable numbers of students and then pretends to solve the problem they created. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret. People’s Park is a tar baby. The more you attack it the more stuck you will be covered in the tar of the evil of attacking the poor, the environment and our hopes and dreams.

Maybe with enough money, force, police, overtime, added expenditures, fences and ill will the University can cram in something. But it will never rest peacefully there. I suggest you don’t commit to protracted war on the poor of your city. You can not win. You will create more poverty and pain and devastation that will continue to ripple out.

There is a righteous stand to take here. Gus Newport did the right thing when he refused to allow the City of Berkeley Police Department be the ground troops for UC’s bad plan in 1979. The City has prohibited attacking peaceful protesters with chemical weapons for a reason. It is immoral.

History will remember the decisions you make. Peace can be made. A dorm can be built on the Parking Lot of Ellsworth and Channing. But it will take legislators of conscience and intelligence to take leadership and bring our town back to peace.

Please do not put swords into the wannabe overlord’s arsenal to slaughter your city while you are on vacation. Please do the right thing. People’s lives are at stake and you must be responsible now.

Thank you, Terri Compost

Terri Compost is a long-time Berkeley People’s Park community organizer, gardener, educator.

Call In To Berkeley City Council, Thursday August 4, 2022 8:15 PM To Stop Use of Tear Gas, Pepper Spray and Smoke

UPDATE: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin has canceled tonight’s meeting described below, perhaps he’s getting some spine or he’s just worried about national media attention. He tweeted: “Mtg cancelled. Policy stands and shame on the Sheriff for not guaranteeing mutual aide emergency support to Berkeley because he disagrees with our tear gas ban.”, in a Twitter thread that tagged Berkeleyside and others.

The Berkeley City Manager has requested to allow use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray while City Council goes on sumer vacation, so the Berkeley City Council just called a Special Meeting for Thursday August 4, 2022 8:15 PM. The one agenda item is:

Discussion and possible action regarding the temporary suspension of the June 9, 2020 policy prohibiting the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess.

Call in and demand the council does NOT allow this violent City Manager’s wish.

Thursday, August 4, 2022
City Council Special Meeting at 8:15 PM – (8:15 in the evening)

Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89083608532
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 (toll free)
Meeting ID: 890 8360 8532

AGENDA: 1. City Manager – Discussion and possible action regarding the temporary suspension of the June 9, 2020 policy prohibiting the use of tear gas, smoke and pepper spray for the duration of the City Council recess.



This is a transparent attack on the people power that tore down the fence at People’s Park. Please call in and express your thoughts to stop these attacks on people trying to stop the destruction of People’s Park by UC Berkeley.